Daniel Paradise Thomas, Gothenburg, Sweden
I’m impressed, it really helped kick up my mood even higher, it’s absolutely wonderful articles and I’m sure anyone who reads them with feeling will feel the same boost of gratitude, happiness and excitement I felt. Material like this is really something that you should read everyday to pump yourself up. But my overall impression was, “great stuff, this is something that many people will find very useful, and very interesting to read”.
Herbert Smith, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I enjoyed reading your article. It was thought provoking. Your article has some great advice, and I will try to use some of it myself in everyday life.
Random Acts Of Kindness Making A Difference
There are many hurdles to negotiate in life but thankfully when people reach out and help each other the journey and challenges we encounter become easier. When somebody does somebody […]
Instinct is a One Time Thought
You are driving on a road and there is an instinctive thought to turn right however you ignore the lighting flash notion. Missing The Intuitive Message Then you carry on […]
Communicating Directly with the SubConscious Mind
Communicating With The Subconscious Mind – but how? In order to communicate with the subconscious mind you have to be not only in the right frame of mind but you […]
Positive Mental Attitude
What Is Positive Mental Attitude (P.M.A.)? There is nothing better than a positive mental attitude. In the past I have frequently advised people to go on a P.M.A. diet. It […]
The 3 Levels of Consciousness
The Levels Of Consciousness The specific levels of consciousness are conscious, subconscious and superconscious. When consciousness is mentioned or discussed there is often a tendency to forget about superconscious which […]
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