Laughing is a wonderful medicine that potentially generates special body chemicals that benefit your health.
There are no side effects unlike with conventional medication.
The more you laugh the better for your facial muscles and body.
It helps people immeasurably to laugh as frequently as possible. It brightens the mood and has a positive impact on your mental health.
Negative Thoughts Does Not Go With Laughing
Having negative thoughts and laughing is not possible. Having positive thoughts or relating to something funny definitely has the right desired impact in enabling you to laugh. Socialising with other like minded people is a prime reason for generating the right result when seeking to laugh and have fun.
It’s hugely important when looking to indulge in a better more productive life. Laughing is massively therapeutic and strengthens the immune system.
You have one of the great things in life available to you and thankfully its completely free. There is no cost to laugh. Make every effort possible to laugh regularly as its wonderful medicine. It may well extend your life when you regularly laugh and have genuine fun. When you are a fun happening person and laugh a lot then lots of people want to be in your company. You attract people like a magnet. Being miserable helps drive people away.
Laughing Provides A Great Chemistry For Better Living
It helps eliminate tension where it was present. It helps brighten a day. It helps change uninspiring thoughts. Laughing provides a bridge to the life where its so much happier on the other side! Laughing regularly can help define you. Despite a difficult childhood I laughed and smiled constantly and people would regularly remark that I was a very happy kid. I became consciously aware and as a consequence I laughed all the more. It definitely made me feel good. It helped overcome challenging, tough times…
When sometimes on a rare occasion you have the chance to laugh so hard that you virtually split your side open (so to speak) it helps make you feel wonderful for having enjoyed a very special moment. An example of a time where extra deep laughing was required and guess what the body duly delivered instinctively. The end result needed was for you to explode with laughter. The moment or event was so funny…
Wherever you go and especially if you travel to different countries laughing is the best passport to take with you. You will be better liked and you will most likely get more invitations to events that you otherwise would have missed out on especially if you were frowning and being miserable. Sincerely laughing will open more doors. But never fake it so be 100% genuine because people are not stupid. Many people know the difference when somebody is sincere when laughing. Just take the great healthy medicine of life with you and share it…
Help Guide : Laughter is the Best Medicine
28 Feb 2023 — Laughter stops distressing emotions. You can’t feel anxious, angry, or sad when you’re laughing. Laughter helps you relax and recharge.
Harvard Business Review: The Benefits of Laughing in the Office
16 Nov 2018 — What about being on the receiving end of a joke, and laughing heartily? That too can bring a world of benefits to your employees.
Every Day Health: Everyday Health
Mar 2023 — Laughing changes brain activity, explains Hanna, who is also a certified humor professional with the Association for Applied and Therapeutic …