
  • Giuseppe Ju Maliji, Naples, Italy

    I have just finished reading the whole text carefully and it seems to me that it was written especially for me and for what I am undertaking now in this phase of my life. I think the content is deep and full of ideal and motivational ideas. I will keep this as an example for my next steps in my life.

    Just this change of working life was already making me think of an opportunity to change old habits, try to abandon intrusive thoughts and bring out another part of me that has been hidden for years. As for your text, I think it’s perfect!

  • Annie Lewis, Singapore

    Instinct is indeed a force within us that can play an important role in critical moments. It is our innate gift that helps us make accurate decisions in rapidly changing situations.

    By training and improving our awareness, we can better harness the power of our instincts. This means we need to be alert when things happen and react quickly to catch those subtle but important moments. This kind of training requires patience and perseverance, but it can help us make better use of our instinctive abilities.

    As you mentioned, instinct isn’t always obvious, and sometimes it takes us to be more aware to discover it. It may manifest in different ways, and we need to carefully observe and understand its nature. As we become more aware of our instincts, we can respond faster and more instinctively.

    However, we must also note that instinct is not omnipotent. In some cases, we still need to make deliberate and rational decisions. Before using instinct, make sure we have enough information and background knowledge, and carefully consider the possible consequences.

    Taken together, instinct is a valuable gift that can come into play when the time is right. By training and improving our awareness, we can better harness the power of our instincts. But be cautious at the same time, and remember the importance of deliberation. Let’s cherish and use our instincts to help ourselves and others make informed decisions in every situation.

    Thank you for your valuable sharing Martin, I will remember and use it



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      One of the finest things in life is meeting with ‘like minded people’ and enjoying the great idea provoking creativity that a wonderful synergy of minds helps generate.   […]



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