
  • Rachelle Dumas, Ottawa, Canada & Toulon, France

    Having read your article related to The Real Power of Regular Imagination I decided to follow this informative guide to the Power of Imagination. It is a great introduction to Meditation and helps address some of the myths behind this spiritually absorbing mind and body time ventures.

    I decided to commit myself to a regular regime of doing Meditation 3 or 4 times a week. Thankfully your article provided a useful and timely insight for me to be involved with something that I had always kind of flirted with but never actually did. Now I am an enthusiastic converted student and will dive deeper into the world of Meditation thanks to your article and information.

    I appreciate this very useful insight. Sending love and light…

  • Daniel Paradise Thomas, Gothenburg, Sweden

    I’m impressed, it really helped kick up my mood even higher, it’s absolutely wonderful articles and I’m sure anyone who reads them with feeling will feel the same boost of gratitude, happiness and excitement I felt. Material like this is really something that you should read everyday to pump yourself up. But my overall impression was, “great stuff, this is something that many people will find very useful, and very interesting to read”.


  • Meditation – The Journey

    One of the finest meditation techniques is where you would quickly look to employ Pure Consciousness. This is a special method with a specific end goal in Mind. Consequently starting […]



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