Martin is a Co-Director and Co-Founder of SyncStrategies International and is based in the UK. Office near London. He has over 30 years of corporate experience in Purchasing, Materials Management, Senior Telecoms Consultancy, Personal Development, Self Improvement including health and well-being.
We are all on a journey and if we can help each other then that’s got to be a good thing. Make no mistake that we are Passionate about what we are, do and say. Our enthusiasm will hopefully benefit you also. Enthusiasm usually has an inspiring effect when it’s contagious! We are Positive in our thinking and Focused on our Mission in Life and certainly a major part of that Mission is to help people excel and grow.
I have personally met, interviewed and spoken to several internationally renowned Top Personal Development Trainers and Internet Marketers and attended their Live Seminars and Conferences. Additionally we have viewed and studied countless hundreds of hours of Webinars, Videos, CD Roms, DVDs and listened to Teleconferences and CDs / Audios as well as read a number of leading edge bestselling novels on a myriad of current thought provoking and challenging topics…