
  • Christine Delort, Nice, France

    I especially like the article on the Power of Trusting Your Instinct. It has motivated me to be more alert to my situation and where I am in life. I’m grateful for what you say…

    Now I know what I must do to react better in any given situation. It reminds me to be more responsive and respond instinctively whenever possible. I will forever believe in my new goals and destiny. The words give me the added guidance, strength and desire to focus more intently and leave this place and country where I am currently…

    Now I have a crystal clear mission for a brighter, better future.




  • Rosemarie Trindall, London, England

    “This is a very good read – “Childs Mind v Adults Mind”. As a mother of 2 boys, I can resonate with many things said here, looking at the world through their eyes and my own as an adult. This has inspired me to go with my gut more, and grab opportunities before they pass me by.”




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